Sunday, February 3, 2013


Have you tried the blubber bag?  I used lard as the blubber.  I took one gallon size Ziploc bag, put a small container's worth of lard in it, and then put another gallon size Ziploc inside.  That way, the kids have a buffer and they don't have to touch the lard.  You could also use Crisco.  
When we learn about penguins, one of the things I focus on is how they stay warm under such cold conditions.  
First, the kids feel the ice without any blubber buffer.  Then they use they blubber bag to feel how insulated their hand becomes.  
 Here I am passing it around.  
My 3s made these tissue paper penguins.  I just found a large blackline of a penguin and printed it on card stock.  I used it as center to introduce them to a penguin's markings. 

I hung them on my DIY bulletin board.  You can read more about that here
One of my smaller afternoon groups made the penguin in the middle by sponge painting on really large sheets of butcher paper.  I cut out the shapes and glued them together.  I think he might need some wings, though!

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